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Whole Self 200 Hour Teacher Training
Module 1: Teacher Training
Lesson 1: Introduction to Module One (0:40)
Lesson 2: How is Yoga Different (8:20)
Lesson 3: Yoga History - Yoga Texts (14:09)
Lesson 4: Yoga History - Lineage (12:39)
Lesson 5: Yoga Branches (6:53)
Lesson 6: Yoga Styles (11:21)
Lesson 7: Anatomy - Terminology (21:00)
Lesson 8: Anatomy - Bones (12:34)
Lesson 9: Anatomy - Boney Reference Points (17:07)
Lesson 10: Anatomy - Joints and Ligaments (17:34)
Lesson 11: Anatomy - Tendons and Skeletal Muscles (16:57)
Lesson 12: Anatomy - Fascia and Nervous System (6:32)
Lesson 13: Anatomy - Spinal Structures (6:51)
Lesson 14: Anatomy - Review (11:58)
Lesson 15: Sequence - Section 1a (31:31)
Lesson 16: Sequence - Section 1b (9:53)
Lesson 17: Sequence - Section 1c (15:48)
Module 2: Teacher Training
Lesson 1: Introduction to Module Two (0:45)
Lesson 2: Setting an Intention (32:00)
Lesson 3: Yoga Sutras and The 8 Limbs of Yoga (19:02)
Lesson 4: Yamas (29:05)
Lesson 5: Niyamas (46:36)
Lesson 6: Integrating the 8 Limbs into Teaching (7:16)
Lesson 7: Authentic Self (20:24)
Lesson 8: Anatomy - Lower Limbs: Feet (10:48)
Lesson 9: Anatomy - Lower Limbs: Lower Leg Muscles (14:29)
Lesson 10: Anatomy - Lower Limbs: Upper Leg Quadriceps (12:50)
Lesson 11: Anatomy - Lower Limbs: Upper Leg Hamstrings (20:18)
Lesson 12: Anatomy - Lower Limbs: Hip Joint (10:43)
Lesson 13: Anatomy - Lower Limbs: Adductors (11:26)
Lesson 14: Anatomy - Lower Limbs: Abductors (19:32)
Lesson 15: Anatomy: External Rotators and Gluteus Maximus (14:21)
Lesson 16: Anatomy - Lower Limbs: Psoas (16:36)
Lesson 17: Anatomy - Lower Limbs: Review (22:37)
Lesson 18: Sequence - Section 2a (28:09)
Lesson 19: Sequence - Section 2b (17:07)
Lesson 20: Sequence - Section 2c (25:24)
Module 3: Teacher Training
Lesson 1: Introduction to Module Three (0:31)
Lesson 2: Physical Yoga Practices (12:23)
Lesson 3: Mental Yoga Practices (10:23)
Lesson 4: Spiritual Yoga Practices (14:50)
Lesson 5: Setting Boundaries (12:02)
Lesson 6: Ayurveda and the Doshas (15:01)
Lesson 7: Techniques for a Yoga Class (35:46)
Lesson 8: Instructing a Yoga Class (18:55)
Lesson 9: Tools for a Yoga Class (22:52)
Lesson 10: Anatomy - Shoulder: Shoulder Joint (7:46)
Lesson 11: Anatomy - Shoulder: Scapula Stabilizers (8:44)
Lesson 12: Anatomy - Shoulder: Humeral Stabilisers - Rotator Cuff (6:10)
Lesson 13: Anatomy - Shoulder: Deltoid (5:38)
Lesson 14: Anatomy - Shoulder: Movements (12:02)
Lesson 15: Anatomy - Shoulder: Sun Salutations (21:33)
Lesson 16: Anatomy - Shoulder: Review (6:35)
Lesson 17: Sequence - Section 3a (24:30)
Lesson 18: Sequence - Section 3b (17:45)
Lesson 19: Sequence - Section 3c (27:52)
Module 4: Teacher Training
Lesson 1: Introduction to Module Four (0:37)
Lesson 2: Sequencing a Yoga Class (54:53)
Lesson 3: Assisting your Students - Types of Assists (25:07)
Lesson 4: Assisting Your Students - Reasons to Assist (3:41)
Lesson 5: Assisting Your Students - Tips (10:53)
Lesson 6: Techniques and Tools - Pranayama and Restricted Breathing (19:30)
Lesson 7: Techniques and Tools - Simple Pranayama Practices (21:48)
Lesson 8: Techniques and Tools - Teaching Breathing in Class (2:56)
Lesson 9: Techniques and Tools - Meditation (16:19)
Lesson 10: Techniques and Tools - Mudras (18:39)
Lesson 11: Techniques and Tools - Bandhas (16:07)
Lesson 12: Techniques and Tools - Mantras, Chanting and Guided Imagery (19:59)
Lesson 13: Anatomy - Trunk and Upper Limbs: Muscles of the Back, Superior Latisimus Dorsi and Trapezius (9:45)
Lesson 14: Anatomy - Muscles of the Back, Trunk and Upper Limbs: Deep QL and Erector Spinae (13:23)
Lesson 15: Anatomy - Trunk and Upper Limbs: Muscles of the Chest, Superior and Deep Pectoralis Major and Minor (11:32)
Lesson 16: Anatomy - Trunk and Upper Limbs: Muscles of the Core, Abdominals (16:30)
Lesson 17: Anatomy - Trunk and Upper Limbs: Feeling the Core - Practical (7:06)
Lesson 18: Anatomy - Trunk and Upper Limbs: Upper Arms (6:12)
Lesson 19: Anatomy - Trunk and Upper Limbs: Lower Arms (9:52)
Lesson 20: Trunk and Upper Limbs: Review (22:41)
Lesson 21: Sequence - Section 4a (29:18)
Lesson 22: Sequence - Section 4b (27:02)
Module 5: Teacher Training
Lesson 1: Introduction to Module Five (0:52)
Lesson 2: Vayus (13:37)
Lesson 3: Energy Channels (5:09)
Lesson 4: Chakras (33:02)
Lesson 5: Using Chakras in Asanas (3:27)
Lesson 6: Finding Balance (19:35)
Lesson 7: Letting Go (16:15)
Lesson 8: Modifications and Variations of Poses (36:47)
Lesson 9: More Sequencing Guidance (15:46)
Lesson 10: Yoga for Athletes (17:41)
Lesson 11: The Business of Yoga (23:11)
Lesson 12: The Power of Manifestation (22:50)
Lesson 13: Anatomy - Spine, Diaphragm and Bandhas: Spinal Structures, Discs and Movement of Spine (25:41)
Lesson 14: Anatomy - Spine, Diaphragm and Bandhas: Neck
Lesson 15: Anatomy - Spine, Diaphragm and Bandhas: Osteoporosis (9:02)
Lesson 16: Anatomy - Spine, Diaphragm and Bandhas: Diaphragm and Nervous System
Lesson 17: Anatomy - Spine, Diaphragm and Bandhas: Bandhas (11:11)
Lesson 18: Anatomy - Spine, Diaphragm and Bandhas: Review
Lesson 19: Sequence - Section 5a (41:58)
Lesson 20: Sequence - Section 5b (10:55)
Lesson 21: Course Complete (0:24)
Additional Resources
The Sequence - Section 1 Audio
The Sequence - Section 2 Audio
The Sequence - Section 3 Audio
The Sequence - Section 4 Audio
The Sequence - Section 5 Audo
Additional Practice 1: Dynamic Flow
Dynamic Flow 1 (77:12)
Dynamic Flow 2 (74:23)
Dynamic Flow 3 (64:41)
Dynamic Flow 4 (66:43)
Dynamic Flow 5 (65:09)
Dynamic Flow 6 (71:08)
Dynamic Flow 7 (72:33)
Dynamic Flow 8 (66:53)
Dynamic Flow Happiness Practice (63:47)
Dynamic Vinyasa Flow 1 (68:04)
Dynamic Vinyasa Flow 2 (61:42)
Dynamic Vinyasa Flow 3 (61:34)
Fast Dynamic Flow (64:22)
Additional Practice 2: Mandala Vinyasa
Mandala Vinyasa 1 (63:23)
Mandala Vinyasa 2 (69:40)
Mandala Vinyasa 3 (68:26)
Mandala Vinyasa 4 (70:26)
Mandala Vinyasa 5 (59:42)
Mandala Vinyasa 6 (63:33)
Mandala Vinyasa 7 (66:48)
Mandala Vinyasa 8 (63:00)
Mandala Vinyasa 9 (66:52)
Mandala Vinyasa 10 (69:27)
Mandala Vinyasa 11 (65:54)
Mandala Vinyasa 12 (66:05)
Mandala Vinyasa 13 (63:55)
Mandala Vinyasa 14 (65:03)
Mandala Vinyasa Flow 1 (64:57)
Mandala Vinyasa Flow 2 (64:37)
Mandala Vinyasa Flow 3 (64:21)
Mandala Vinyasa Flow 4 (69:06)
Additional Practice 3: Yoga for the Shoulders
Flow for the Shoulders (68:47)
Strengthening the Shoulders (63:10)
Additional Practice 4: Yoga for the Back
Opening up the Spine (68:46)
Yoga for the Spine
Vinyasa Yoga Flow for your Back and Spine (64:46)
Twisting the Spine, Opening the Heart (63:10)
Session for the Spine (51:42)
Opening up the Lumbar and Spine (66:45)
Additional Practice 5: Yoga for the Hamstrings
Opening up the Hamstrings 1 (63:42)
Opening up the Hamstrings 2 (67:21)
Yoga for the Hamstrings 1 (66:13)
Yoga for the Hamstrings 2 (62:14)
Additional Practice 6: Yoga for the Core
Yoga for the Core + Alternate Nostril Breathing (61:28)
Additional Practice 7: Yoga for the Hips
Hip Opening Flow 1 (65:59)
Hip Opening Flow 2 (63:47)
Hip Opening Flow 3 (65:29)
Yoga for the Hips and the Hamstrings (63:18)
Additional Practice 8: Yoga for the Neck
Yoga for the Neck (68:41)
Additional Practice 9: Gentle Yoga
Gentle Flow 1 (61:30)
Gentle Flow 2 (59:43)
Gentle Flow 3 (60:23)
Gentle Flow 4 (59:53)
Additional Practice 10: Yoga for Balance
Yoga for Better Balance (64:09)
Additional Practice 11: Yoga for the Glutes
Strengthening the Glutes (65:47)
Yoga for the Glutes (59:22)
Additional Practice 12: Yoga for the Chakras
Flowing through the Throat Chakra (45:39)
Vinyasa Yoga for the Root Chakra (66:07)
Yoga for Balancing the Manipura Chakra (64:42)
Yoga for Grounding the Root Chakra (60:36)
Yoga for the Heart Chakra (63:01)
Yoga for the Sacral Chakra (68:02)
M05L09 - More Sequencing Guidance (15:46)
M05L07 - Letting Go (16:15)
M05L06 - Finding Balance (19:35)
Gentle Flow 2
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